Recette: Parfait Houmous (vegan)
Houmous (vegan). Drain the chick peas and add them to a blender along with the garlic, lemon juice, tahini, olive oil and bouillon. Add a little water if necessary. Hummus is a delicious, creamy, healthy, quick and easy to prepare dip or spread.
Add the chickpeas, tahini, garlic, lemon, cumin and salt to the bowl of a food processor. Taste for flavor, adding anything else it might need. Then add chickpeas to the food processor along with the garlic and lemon juice, tahini and some cold water and process until chunky. Vous pouvez cuisiner Houmous (vegan) utilisant 9 Ingrédients et 1 instructions. Voici comment vous réalisez ça.
ingrédients de la recette Houmous (vegan)
- Vous avez besoin 500 g of pois chiches cuits.
- C'est 1 of échalote (ou 1/2 oignon).
- Préparer 1 gousse of d'ail.
- C'est 1 cs of d'huile d'olive.
- Vous avez besoin 1 of ou 2 cc selon les goûts de cumin.
- Vous avez besoin 2 cs of Jus de citron.
- C'est of Tahin (2 à 4 cs en fonction de vos goûts).
- Préparer 1 cs of d'huile de sésame grillé si on en a (ça donne un goût plus corsé).
- C'est au goût of Sel.
Then add in some salt, cumin, olive oil and more cold water and process until smooth. Hummus is considered vegan because of the ingredients put into it. All of them are plant-based, like: Chickpeas: Chickpeas are plant-based products and are vegan to the core. It is also used in various other dishes like falafel, chickpeas sandwich and in various other Lebanese cuisines.
Houmous (vegan) pas à pas de recette
- Mixer tous les ingrédients et ajouter selon la consistance souhaitée le jus de pois chiches de la boîte qui va donner une texture plus crémeuse. On peut aussi ajouter un peu d'huile ou de citron..
Tahini: Tahini is made from roasted groundnut sesame seeds. Commercially available tahini is usually plant. Hummus fits within lots of diets as it is vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, and soy-free. Check out our " Is hummus gluten-free? " guide where we listed all vegan and gluten-free brands we know of. So what to eat with hummus?
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