Recette: Parfait Caviar d'aubergine

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Caviar d'aubergine Eggplant caviar is ubiquitous in Russia, which also has lots of other kinds of veggie caviars, including mushroom and beet. I guess a love of caviar+low budgets+plentiful summer veggies=a sturgeon-free substitute. Eggplant caviar often also has tomatoes in it and looks like the pictures meesha.v posted. Vous pouvez avoir Caviar d'aubergine utilisant 4 Ingrédients et 3 instructions. Voici comment vous cuisinez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Caviar d'aubergine

  1. C'est 2 of aubergines.
  2. Préparer of Pâte de sésame.
  3. Préparer of Jus de citron.
  4. C'est of Sel.

Either chop or puree eggplant/garlic in a processor or coarsely hand chop the mixture. Add the chopped onion and red peppers but don't process further-the caviar should have crunch from these raw ingredients. Add olive oil, Kosher salt, black pepper (and optional herbs &/or spices) and mix well. Recette Caviar d'aubergines : découvrez les ingrédients, ustensiles et étapes de préparation Instructions Checklist.

Caviar d'aubergine instructions de recette

  1. Faire dorer les aubergines au four jusqu'à que la peau soit craquante.
  2. Éplucher les aubergines et les mixer à la fourchette dans un bol.
  3. Rajouter la pâte de sésame, le jus de citron et le sel.

Roast eggplants: Using a wooden skewer, pierce eggplants all over. Turn two gas burners or a gas grill to high flame; place one eggplant on each. After the eggplant has cooled, remove the pulp from the skins, and place in a food. Bring a medium pot of water to a simmer. Remove the eggs from the water with.


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